Elly is a newspaper Columnist penning weekly for the Belfast Media Group's Andersonstown News, Belfast South, Belfast North and Belfast West newspapers. He writes with an independent mind on mainly topical issues especially themes of migration, culture, literature, history, politics, conflict and race relations. He was based in Derry 2001-2010 where he was the Chair of the African and Caribbean Association of Foyle, and he organised conferences on migration while working as a Research Associate at Ulster University Magee. He co-wrote ‘Did You Come by Boat?’ with Patricia Byrne, a migration themed play, for Sole Purpose, which toured in 2010. Elly is especially interested in the genre of theatre in the community and theatre for social change.







Bringing professional theatre to communities

Sole Purpose is a company limited by guarantee, registration number NI37481 and is recognised by the Inland Revenue as a charity, reference number NIC100618